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App…Why its better to be Native and not Hybrid.

By June 6, 2016February 4th, 2020No Comments

Why your app would be better by being Native and not Hybrid.

Have you ever lost your phone?

What’s the first thing you told yourself – “Hmm… I’ll find it another time. Not at this point.”

Definitely not!

Once you lose your phone, all other priorities go out the window. In today’s world that’s how much we value our mobile device. It’s with you every minute of the 24 hours.

That leads us to the question we need to ask ourselves as App promoters & App makers. If the value of a mobile device is so immense, shouldn’t Apps we deploy be more reliable, respond faster, and give all the answers your customers need as soon as possible?

Let’s skip the topic on why users download an App. 85% of consumers prefer mobile Applications over the mobile website – Source.

Don’t be the 15% who disagrees. So fast forward to once they download your mobile Application. What makes them keep it? Rather, the question to ponder and solve is how good is  user experience of your App – Only 28% say mobile Apps offer a better user experienceSource

In today’s “SnapChat” world, consumers expect snap reactions from their Apps. Apps that take full advantage of the built-in capabilities of their mobile devices – GPS, address book, camera, Bluetooth etc.,

Consumers want to chat real-time, view directions, set reminders, take pictures and much more. They use gestures, swipes, and are willing to uncover hidden actions that adhere to the guidelines of the respective platform. Your App needs to feel consistent with core native Apps on their devices.

Consumers expect proactive and relevant information within the context of their location at a particular time. Apps are expected to push personalized content based on their actions, with the ability to share content socially. App makers need to integrate emerging technologies like ibeacon, virtual reality.  Apps are expected to work offline and degrade gracefully – not show a loading spinner.

Let’s correct ourselves – these aren’t expectations anymore. This criteria will make or break the success of your App. The customer experience of your App is more important to your brand than you might think.  Apps that look great but perform poorly, will damage your brand.

79% of consumers would retry an App only once. Only 16% give it more than two attemptsSource.

You may get a chance to get it right once. but most certainly won’t get a second one.

Native app is the uncontested winner

The core of ensuring a great experience is using native Apps. Not hybrid ones that are HTML5 websites packaged into native wrappers. Can’t tell the difference? A simple eye test is to launch your Application in airplane mode and experience it., You are going to know the difference!

A few years back, it was expensive and time-consuming to build native mobile applications. In today’s ASAP world it’s easy to give up on getting a good App partner or choose a hybrid App approach. But with a platform like ours, cutting edge technology exist that provide custom branded Apps with authentic native experience at prices that translate to huge ROI.

Your users will DEMAND a great experience. They will open your App and expect it to be intuitive and responsive. Native Applications are the uncontested winner in both cases. To quote Mark Zuckerberg – “The biggest mistake we’ve made as a company is betting on HTML5 over native”

A long lasting relationship depends on the quality of each encounter – not just the first one. So do NOT compromise.

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Gautam Singh

Author Gautam Singh

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